Formentera: A series of Photographs by Francesc Arno

Francesco Arno is a photographer who has traveled a long and wide path that forms a demanding field of advertising photography. Born in Barcelona in 1947, today he is among the most renowned professionals of the world for photographs of Spain.

Arno has developed his work in various photographic disciplines, including reportage and landscape photography, which constitute the basic themes of his personal work.

A good example of his work is the series Formentera that is presented today in BDG NEWS. The collection is made up of almost twenty images from the Island of Pitiusa.

The reproductions that you can admire in Barcelona Design Gallery are of large scale and made of dibond aluminum. 

Upon viewing them, many might question whether the collection is made up of photographs or paintings, but no one can doubt that they are authentic works of art. You can view the full series on BDGs Facebook page.

All of the pictures in the series Formentera by Francesco Arno can be produced in the measurements and support specified by the client.